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You bring the show

We'll bring the fans

Simplify your artist marketing and build a sustainable career with your biggest fans.

97% of Billboard Top 200 Artists Use Bandsintown

Engage the right fans

Cut through the noise and reach the right fans at the right times.


Your biggest fans already follow you on Bandsintown. Keep them in the loop about new music, shows, and more with Posts. Learn more

Sidestep the social algorithms and reach your fans directly with drag-and-drop email campaigns showcasing your events, music and merch. Learn more

Reach the right fans and get results. Target fans of similar artists based on their location and drive ticket sales, streams and merch sales. Learn more

Amplify your events

Put your listings on the world’s stage.


Streamline your tour dates and event listings into one centralized dashboard. Promote them everywhere with free artist-friendly tools and integrations.

Harness Bandsintown’s leading recommendation engine to put your events in front of 85 million registered fans, driving discovery and engagement from announce to day of show. Learn more

List your events on the world’s most trusted platforms. Add or edit your events from Bandsintown for quick and seamless updates.

Showcase your tour dates and live events on your website, making it easy for fans to buy tickets, RSVP, join your mailing list, and request shows. Learn more

Drive fans to your custom-branded landing page where they can see your upcoming shows, get tickets, set reminders, and join your mailing list. Learn more

Grow your audience

Future-proof your fanbase by collecting fans’ contact info.


Manage the fan contacts you collect using Bandsintown tools and export your audience anytime. Learn more

Announce and build anticipation for music releases, merch drops, tour announcements, presales, contests, and more; collect fan contacts and automatically notify them on the big day. Learn more

Build your mailing list by making it easy for fans to sign up directly from your website. Learn more

Streamline your marketing

Save time and stretch your budget with easy-to-use integrations and analytics.


Get the full picture with an intuitive insights dashboard and weekly performance report delivered straight to your inbox. 

Easily connect Bandsintown to your existing tools and services with seamless integrations. 

Plug in your marketing pixels to maximize your budget with audience retargeting and conversion tracking capabilities. 

Connecting the world through live music

Bandsintown powers live music discovery for over 85 million registered fans, 600 thousand artists, and the world’s most trusted platforms.

Music, merch and more


Make waves with your music

Use a custom Release page to build hype and collect contacts, share Posts about new music, build and send emails to your fans with the Email Builder, and target new fans who listen to similar artists with Promoted Emails.


Move more merch

Get more eyes on your merch by integrating your Shopify or Amazon Music store on your Bandsintown profile, and engage fans with email campaigns using the pre-built merch template and drag-and-drop merch smart blocks.


Free artist-friendly tools to promote your shows, music, and merch, grow your audience, and connect with fans worldwide Get Started


Manage multiple artists, collaborate with your team, and drive results with partner playbooks. Let's Talk


Drive streams, sales, and subscribers, manage your roster, and work with our dedicated team. Let's Talk


Announce and promote tours and events, manage multiple artists, and work with our dedicated team. Let's Talk

For all artists and teams

Tap into 85+ million live music fans

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